Hi everyone!
It's been a little while so I thought I'd check
in and give you an update...from my sickbed. BUT not Lemtrada related, I
promise. Actually, I think so far that's actually been going brilliantly. The
most noticeable difference would be the change in frequency of experiencing
fatigue. I'd say the intensity and how often it happens has really improved
(fingers crossed), though as the days grow shorter, I do become sleepier
sooner, but that's still pretty good for me so I'll take it.
I've caught a bit of a cold as of late and a
tummy bug, but I think that is just what's going round and as I work at a
school, it wouldn't be unheard of. Loads of germs flying around will eventually
equate to some suffering, but I genuinely wouldn't put that down to Lemtrada.
What I will say is that with a rising temperature or a really rough episode
during catching a bug, I have felt incredibly weak and like I have been on the
brink of relapse. So far, this has gone almost as quickly as it appeared but my
goodness has it felt scary. My initial relapse symptoms were visual and made it
incredibly hard to process movement alongside other stimuli. Sometimes, that's
occurred with a sniffle or when I'm worn out, but over the weekend I really did
think I'd be heading back down that slippery slope.
The funny thing is, I've spent two years now
processing all of this so that in the event of an inevitable relapse one day,
it wouldn't emotionally hit me so hard and I'd, to some extent, be able to
control my cognitive processes in order to talk myself down and recover more
quickly. I found myself getting incredibly upset (bearing in mind that I
haven't actually relapsed, just having funny turns with my vision) and getting
caught up in the negative self-talk that can drag down the best of us. What
that made me realise was that this isn't just about learning CBT techniques and
mindfulness and getting handy with it, it's about self-compassion. I've said it
to myself time and time again to get in top of it, but I shouldn't be beating
myself up to be kinder to myself. Contradictory statement or what?!
I am ever a work in progress and, all things
considered, things are going pretty well right now. My lymphocytes are low but
are steadily climbing, which is where they should be at right now. I'm good
with my food so that helps. I've been keeping up with yoga which has been a
total godsend (don't knock it 'til you try it) and it has really helped with
pain management and soothing my nervous system. Thanks to God, I think I'm
doing just fine and hopefully once I see this bug through, I'll be back to my
normal self.
A little photo of the ginger tea I've been sipping to get me back on track. Check out my daily mindfulness page on instagram @trail.of.light
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