New Year, new you?
Happy new year and I hope the holidays were somewhat restful
and fun. If they weren’t, I hope the start of this year is better and you find
strength to keep going.
So, I’m going to cut straight to the chase with all this new
year’s resolution malarkey; I don’t believe in it. What I do believe in is
making change whenever you want because, well, you can if you really want to. I
guess starting at the beginning of a year is symbolic and that can be the
driving factor for a lot of us to review where we are and decide where to
progress. But, it’s when everyone’s gym regimes and sugar-free months flake
half way through the greyness of January that we start a cycle of negative
self-talk and reinforce this notion that we are completely and utterly useless.
Is that the case because we failed to keep a promise to
ourselves in January?
Well, no.
Does it mean we cannot develop ourselves and are complete
failures and good-for-nothing?
It would be a real disservice to yourself if you think so.
Here’s my take on it: just keep trying. It sounds like the
most clichéd thing ever, but a cliché has to start somewhere and there is sense
in this. We fail sometimes, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make things happen
or are incapable.
I can openly admit that I really need to calm down my sugar
intake for the sake of my health and maybe need to pay myself a few more
compliments. I want to practice mindfulness more and be a yoga pro. I want to
be better in the relationships I’m in and drop the title of The World’s
Greatest Grudge-Holder. The beautiful thing about it all is I can make these
changes whenever I want. We are that powerful, that we can do these things
starting from the very next second.
I’d say over the last three years I’ve been really
developing my understanding of what resilience is and the
idea that you can pick yourself up and try again. And that is exactly why you
don't need a new year's resolution; you can try over and over again ANY time
you want to!
Make a change today, make a change tomorrow, make a change
right now.
If it flops, get up again and try harder because you can do
anything you set your mind to.
And that is exactly what I plan to do :) Happy new year
every one!
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