So, hi guys. It is me having risen from 12 hours of sleep (post 2 hours nap). I was intending to blog yesterday after I finished the last of Lem but I was too tired. I mean, in my bones, shaky eyeballs tired. I'm still tired today but feeling more human and I'll take the tiredness over the rash and nausea any day. I would say over all that I've coped better than I anticipated and I will take a moment to pat myself on the back here. I didn't even cry when I wanted to throw up my guts as the lovely nurse had to repuncture a bruise to get into my non-cooperative veins. My arms do officially look like battered peaches and weigh as much as lead but on the plus side, this treatment could change my life. Aaahh it almost seems crazy optimistic to say this out loud, but it really could! I'd like to take a minute to gush about the company I was in for about an hour or so of my treatment yesterday. These heroes come in monthly for their Tysabri infusions and are just ...