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Showing posts from July, 2016

The Morning after the Night Before

So, hi guys. It is me having risen from 12 hours of sleep (post 2 hours nap). I was intending to blog yesterday after I finished the last of Lem but I was too tired. I mean, in my bones, shaky eyeballs tired. I'm still tired today but feeling more human and I'll take the tiredness over the rash and nausea any day. I would say over all that I've coped better than I anticipated and I will take a moment to pat myself on the back here. I didn't even cry when I wanted to throw up my guts as the lovely nurse had to repuncture a bruise to get into my non-cooperative veins. My arms do officially look like battered peaches and weigh as much as lead but on the plus side, this treatment could change my life. Aaahh it almost seems crazy optimistic to say this out loud, but it really could!  I'd like to take a minute to gush about the company I was in for about an hour or so of my treatment yesterday. These heroes come in monthly for their Tysabri infusions and are just ...

Lemtrada: Day 4

Day 4: ooooh this is a rougher ride today but I'll take it because it's taken 4 days to show rather than on day 1. I woke up this morning with a raging, blistery rash. I've never seen anything like it, but apparently that means it's working. Once I got to Southampton, they gave me some anti-histamine which brought it down a little. The joys of three hours on the clock. Reading a good book definitely helped to pass the time. But today, it wasn't going to sidle off unnoticed and behave. It began to rage again a few hours later and I had to really wait without scratching myself into ribbons. To say I was on fire would be an understatement and it has required real self-control not to paw away at myself. No, I was not thrown into a nettle bush and no, this will not feature in high street fashion next season. It was a shorter session without the steroids, but I didn't realise quite how much they were doing for me. On completing treatme...

Lemtrada Update

Hello,  I know it's been a little while. Truthfully I've kind of been distracting myself from anything MS related because I've been so nervous about coming on Lemtrada. I'm on day 3 now and I'm really tired so I'll keep it short and sweet and give you a little update. My nerves were really getting the better of me this time last week. I was feeling sick with trepidation and just thinking "God, what if this is the worst thing you could be walking into". Well, how are any of us supposed to know, unless we just do it and who said it would it be?  I didn't think I would smile this week. But I've smiled and actually my spirits have been really high. I've had lovely people checking in on me, my mum and sister by my side throughout the infusion and, I would say (touch woodp) minimal discomfort, minus my dislike of cannulas. The days have been long. With an 830am start at the hospital after a 45 minute drive to the hospital, it's an ear...