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Showing posts from February, 2016


The sharp, blaring trill of the alarm reverberates against every surface of the room. You think “Is it that time already? Just five more minutes…”. Your bed is so snuggly and warm and the shock of merely poking your toe out from under the covers is more pain than anyone can bear on a chilly February morning. It’s early and it feels as if you haven’t slept at all (though you’ve had at least nine hours, ten on a good day). It’s mornings like that when I need more than a good breakfast and a heavy dose of caffeine to wake your bones and to say that your eyes feel like lead would be an understatement. (taken from Oh, the joys of fatigue and the added joy of hearing everyone say that they get that tired all the time too. For anyone that doesn’t actually have fatigue, but struggles more commonly against the common wave of tiredness that hits the vast majority of mankind, this is something difficult to ...