I’ve been a bit slow off the mark with writing recently and for that I am apologetic. I’ve been out and about on many an adventure and when the opportunity occurs, I’m afraid I just drop everything else. That’s probably something I’ve been doing a lot more since the start off this year and I’m not so sure it is such a bad thing. Importantly, it is about jumping headfirst into life for the right reasons; doing it not out of fear, but out of a wish to savour the present. I will admit that initially, it may have been fear-driven – I had just been diagnosed and I had done enough sitting around in waiting rooms only focusing on pain and the churning feeling that things may never be the same again. Actually, thinking about it, I was right about one thing and that was that things would never be the same again. Is that such a bad thing? Well, I won’t pretend there were no cycles of loss and mourning for what I had lost (which was mostly certainty to be honest) and what I was preparing myself ...