It was only earlier this year that I completed my second course on counselling and I was taking a moment to reflect today and one thing popped into my head; thoughts aren't facts. This should not be revelation, it is merely a statement of facts but it is something that I forget all the time. It is so easy to let my mind run away with itself, creating story lines and conclusions that haven't happened yet and may not ever. Yet I'll let myself get so worried or wound up about such thoughts, creating unnecessary stress for myself and for those that get wind of what I'm letting churn up in my stomach. Whether its to do with my health and the doctors or social situations, it is something that can create a level of annoyance and anxiety that's enough to drive anyone nuts. I've noticed how stress can manifest itself in such physical ways. It can lead to headaches, feeling sick and lack of appetite. Having MS, it can mean altered vision, loss or reduced feeling in hand...