So, I am forever looking up the benefits of eating various foods and taking different supplements and whether they are actually doing me any good at all. There has been a recent hype over clean/raw foods and it's easy to fall into the superfood phenomena, willing every morsel that passes our lips to be of some benefit to our body- especially since it can cost us a fortune. As you can imagine, I was delighted when Channel 4 released a programme called "Superfoods: The Real Story" , that gave viewers insight into foods that have been sat in the spotlight as life changing and looking into whether they are really as amazing as they are painted to be. Particularly since diagnosis, I've been more conscious of what I put into my body and though none of these foods will get rid of the dreaded lesions, keeping my body in tip-top shape can only help keep me as strong as possible enabling a speedier recovery from potential relapse. At the end if this blog I'll put in a bunc...